VELOCITY SET - Image character, 6 specials
VENOM SET - 3 characters, 9 sp, with both Hillshire Farms
VIOLATOR IMAGE SET - character, 6 specials
VISION Player Set (21) no IQ hero
VISION SET - 2 characters, 8 specials, 1 bonus
VOODOO PLAYER SET (chrome hero, 5 sp)
VOODOO SET - Daemonite MvWS chrome character 3 Image specials
WAR MACHINE SET - 2 characters , 8 specials, 1 bonus
WHITE QUEEN SET - IQ character 7 specials, 1 bonus
WITCHBLADE SET (hero, 6 sp)
WONDER WOMAN SET - JLA character, 5 specials
World Legends set of 7 2023 non-foils promos
WYNONNA EARP SET (3 specials)
X-BABIES SET - Monumental character 8 specials
X-MEN: ORIGINAL TEAM SET - character, 5 specials, 1 bonus
XAOS SET (character, 5 specials)
ZEALOT SET - Image character, 7 specials, inc/Warrior Soul variant