UNIVERSE 7I+1 Advance Warning - DC - C Joker
UNIVERSE 7I+2 Sabotage - DC - C Joker
UNIVERSE 7I+3 Bluff - DC - C Joker
UNIVERSE 7S+1 Haymaker - DC - C Superman
UNIVERSE 7S+1 Hunk of Asphalt - OP - C Rhino
UNIVERSE 7S+1 Hunk of Asphalt - PS - C Rhino
UNIVERSE 7S+2 Choke Hold - DC - C Superman
UNIVERSE 7S+2 Tree - OP - C Rogue
UNIVERSE 7S+2 Tree - PS - U Rogue
UNIVERSE 7S+3 Nerve Pinch - DC - U Superman
UNIVERSE 7S+3 Taxi Cab - OP - C Colossus
UNIVERSE 7S+3 Taxi Cab - PS - R Colossus
UNIVERSE 8E+1 Divine Intervention - OP - C Loki
UNIVERSE 8E+1 Divine Intervention - PS - C Loki
UNIVERSE 8E+1 Mental - DC - C Brainiac
UNIVERSE 8E+2 Alien Technology - OP - C Professor X)
UNIVERSE 8E+2 Alien Technology - PS - U Professor. X
UNIVERSE 8E+2 Kryptonite - DC - C Brainiac
UNIVERSE 8E+3 EM Force Lines - OP - U Magneto
UNIVERSE 8E+3 EM Force Lines - PS - R Magneto
UNIVERSE 8E+3 Temporal - DC - C Brainiac
UNIVERSE 8F+1 Booster Shot - OP - C Cyber
UNIVERSE 8F+1 Booster Shot - PS - C Cyber
UNIVERSE 8F+1 Lunge - DC - C Azrael
UNIVERSE 8F+2 Chain - OP - C Sabretooth
UNIVERSE 8F+2 Chain - PS - U Sabretooth
UNIVERSE 8F+2 Leap Aside - DC - C Azrael
UNIVERSE 8F+3 Back Flip - DC - U Azrael
UNIVERSE 8F+3 Crossbow- OP - U Wolverine
UNIVERSE 8I+1 Clever Escape - DC - U Lex Luthor
UNIVERSE 8I+2 Ambush - DC - U Lex Luthor
UNIVERSE 8I+3 Home Turf- DC - R Lex Luthor
UNIVERSE 8S+1 Girder - OP - C Abomination
UNIVERSE 8S+1 Girder - PS - C Abomination
UNIVERSE 8S+1 Takedown - DC - U Doomsday
UNIVERSE 8S+2 Body Slam - DC - U Doomsday
UNIVERSE 8S+2 Lamp Post - OP - C Thing
UNIVERSE 8S+2 Lamp Post - PS - U Thing
UNIVERSE 8S+3 City Bus - OP - U Hulk
UNIVERSE 8S+3 City Bus - PS - R Hulk